Mangroves areas are commonly act as nursery grounds for juvenile of fishes and other marine invertebrates 红树林地区常被用作幼鱼及其他海洋无脊椎动物幼体的哺育场。
Standard test method for measuring the toxicity of sediment - associated contaminants with estuarine and marine invertebrates 用海水中和河口处生长的无脊椎动物测量沉淀污染物毒性的标准试验方法
It is characterized by the appearance of algae and a proliferation of marine invertebrate animal forms , but no true plants 特征是藻类的出现和海洋无脊椎动物的繁盛,但该时期没有出现真正的植物。
Meanwhile , over 130 reef - associated fishes and more than 100 species of marine invertebrates were recorded in the marine park 这里共录得超过六十种石珊瑚,同时,亦录得超过一百三十种珊瑚鱼类及超过一百种海洋无脊椎动物。
The biodiversity is rich in this marine reserve , including numerous kind of fishes , hard corals , soft corals , gorgonian and marine invertebrates 鹤咀海岸保护区内的生物多样性相当丰富,包括各种鱼类、石珊瑚、软珊瑚、柳珊瑚及海洋无脊椎动物。